TRINITY: An Unbiblical Traditional and Philosophical Concept

Colossians2:8AMP. See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception [pseudo-intellectual babble], according to the tradition [and musings--a period of reflection or thought].

This ministry measures everything according to biblical principles. And this ministry attempts to prove that the Trinity or Trinitarian doctrine is contradictory and contrary to the Bible and has pagan roots. And for the God-fearing children of God or His saints to "come out of her (the Babylonian System), Revelation18:4. And this ministry is ALL about our Tripartite God, NOT God in 3 Persons or in 3 Parts, BUT 3 Parts of God in Himself. This movement is The Tripartite Transformative Movement (TTM).

The word, "tripartite" is an adjective found in a collegiate dictionary. But since there is an unknown doctrine of tripartiteness, the adjective itself becomes a doctrine or a "noun." Therefore, the terms are created as "tripartite, "tripartitionist," "tripartitionism," "tripartitionistic," etc. There are various explanations of our Tripartite God throughout different blogs/blocks of this website.

Furthermore, this ministry does not believe in different versions of the truth. There is only ONE TRUTH and that's the WORD OF GOD or the Bible. And this ministry does not believe in debating the truth but only discussing the truth, 2Timothy2:14NIV. "Keep reminding God's people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen." If further biblical study needs to be pursued because of a brother's or sister's uncertainty of the subject matter to arrive to the truth, then so be it. That's it, that's all.

For a more clear and overall understanding, please refer to the blogs/blocks, regarding the Trinity, the early Christian Church, Catholicism, Protestantism, our Tripartite God of the Bible, original Babylon, and symbolic Babylon and finally to "come out of her, My people...," Revelation18:4.


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